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Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves

André Gide

This collection of reflective essays forms a “spiritual autobiography” of André Gide, a key figure of French letters André Gide, a literary and intellectual giant of twentieth-century France, mines his memories and personal ...
Oscar Wilde: Reminiscences

Oscar Wilde: Reminiscences

André Gide

Personal recollections from André Gide on a man who profoundly influenced his work—Oscar Wilde André Gide, a towering figure in French letters, draws upon his friendship with Oscar Wilde to sketch a compelling portrait of the tragic, ...
Judge Not

Judge Not

André Gide

In the first essay, "A Memoir of the Assize Court", Gide writes about his experience as a juror in several trials, including that of an arsonist (Gide actively sought jury duty, so great was his interest in legal matters).
Entretiens Gide-Amrouche

Entretiens Gide-Amrouche

Éric Marty

Précédés d'une longue introduction d'Eric Marty sur l'énigmatique André Gide, les entretiens Gide-Amrouche furent réalisés en 1949 pour la radio française.
Notes on Chopin

Notes on Chopin

André Gide

This edition includes rare pages and fragments from Gide’s journals, which relate to Chopin and music.
L’écriture du bonheur dans le roman contemporain

L’écriture du bonheur dans le roman contemporain


3 Françoise Cespedes, Bernard Baritaud, Véronique Anglard, L'idée de bonheur chez Stendhal, Gide, Giono, Littérature vivante, Pierre bordas et fils, Paris, 1991, p. 3. 4 André Gide, Les Nourritures terrestres et Les Nouvelles nourritures, livre ...
Journals: 1889-1913

Journals: 1889-1913

André Gide

This volume contains a new foreword by Richard Howard.
Debussy: Volume 1, 1862-1902: His Life and Mind

Debussy: Volume 1, 1862-1902: His Life and Mind

Edward Lockspeiser

A free translation of the text written above the music in this letter runs: My dear Pierre, On the matter of Andre Gide (Chorale of Luther followed by Mazurka of Chopin Op. 3745 and repeat of Chorale), I saw him the other day at the home of J. C. Mardrus [an orientalist who had made a bold translation of The Arabian Nights]. (Musical portrayal of conversation between Mardrus, his wife and Gide.) J. C. Mardrus in good humour and Lucie Delarue Mardrus speaking through her nose.


André Gide

An essential Gay text, a brilliant "defense" of homosexuality, written by one of the world's greatest writers.
Return from the USSR

Return from the USSR

André Gide

The writing of this book has afforded him pleasure in his leisure moments, and that pleasure would be much increased if he knew that the perusal of it would create any bond of sympathy between himself and the angling community in general.
From Goethe to Gide: feminism, aesthetics and the French and ...

From Goethe to Gide: feminism, aesthetics and the French and ...

Mary Orr

These essays, aimed at final year undergraduates and postgraduates, focus on Rousseau, Goethe, Schiller, Hoffmann, Stendhal, Baudelaire, Flaubert, Heine, Fontane, Zola, Kafka, and Gide.
Andre Gide and Curiosity

Andre Gide and Curiosity

Victoria Reid

Using a thematic structure of sexual, scientific and writerly curiosity, this volume identifies processes of curiosity in the life-writing (including the travel-writing) which illuminate processes in the fiction, and vice versa.
Strait is the Gate

Strait is the Gate

André Gide

"Strait is the Gate," first published in 1909 in France as "La Porte etroite," is a novel about the failure of love in the face of the narrowness of the moral philosophy of Protestantism.
Night Flight

Night Flight

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

In this gripping novel, Saint-Exupéry tells about the brave men who piloted night mail planes from Patagonia, Chile, and Paraguay to Argentina in the early days of commercial aviation. Preface by André Gide. Translated by Stuart Gilbert.
André Gide: A Life in the Present

André Gide: A Life in the Present

Alan Sheridan

... but of the box of Lady Diana Cooper, the wife of the British Ambassador, Sir Alfred Duff Cooper, currently known in Paris as "le Duff sur le toit"'. Beside Lady Cooper, Cocteau sat enthroned, obviously as much at ease with the British embassy ...
La véritable tragédie de Panaït Istrati

La véritable tragédie de Panaït Istrati

Helen Kazantzakis

La "véritable tragédie" dont il est ici fait état est celle de la profonde désillusion de Panaït Istrati, qui, sept ans avant le Retour d'URSS d'André Gide, fut l'un des premiers, dans le camp progressiste, à révéler les méfaits ...
Modern Perspectives on the Early Modern: Temps Recherché , ...

Modern Perspectives on the Early Modern: Temps Recherché , ...


In Oeuvres completes, ed. Eric Marty, 135-87. Paris: Editions du Seuil. 1993. — . " Je ne crois pas aux influences." Vol. 1 . In Oeuvres completes, ed. Eric Marty, 1450-52. Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1993. — . "Notes sur Andre Gide et son ' Journa1' ...
Essays on Approach and Method: Second Edition

Essays on Approach and Method: Second Edition

André Béteille

II Surendra Munshi: In Conversation with Professor Andre Beteille* SM: Andre, may we begin with method? You have written much on the comparative method. How do you view it? AB: Well, I do advocate the comparative method, but this does ...
The Hidden Keys

The Hidden Keys

Andre Alexis

It's a grand thing, then, that this spry novel by Canadian Andre Alexis spends its 160 pages repeatedly defying expectations .
Open: An Autobiography

Open: An Autobiography

Andre Agassi

He is one of the most beloved athletes in history and one of the most gifted men ever to step onto a tennis court – but from early childhood Andre Agassi hated the game.
The Tragic Effect: The Oedipus Complex in Tragedy

The Tragic Effect: The Oedipus Complex in Tragedy

André Green

In this stimulating and wide-ranging 1979 study, André Green demonstrates the relevance of psychoanalysis to literary criticism.
Jewish/Christian/Queer: Crossroads and Identities

Jewish/Christian/Queer: Crossroads and Identities


10 Janet Grierson, who was a regular visitor to the Edinburgh salon as a young woman, recalls Andre's farewell parties for her when she would leave to spend summers in Vienna. “At the end of it Andre would say, with the slight foreign accent ...


André Alexis

A is a work of fiction in which André Alexis presents the compelling narrative of Alexander Baddeley, a Toronto book reviewer obsessed with the work of the elusive and mythical poet Avery Andrews.
Encyclopedia of Literature in Canada

Encyclopedia of Literature in Canada


... Carleton U Friesen, Gerald, U Manitoba Furlani, Andre, Concordia U Gerson, Carole, Simon Fraser U Gervais, Andre, ... Shannon, Laurentian U Higgins, Iain, U Victoria Hinchcliffe, Peter, St Jerome's College, Waterloo Hodgson, Heather, ...
A Cultural History of Fashion in the 20th and 21st ...

A Cultural History of Fashion in the 20th and 21st ...

Bonnie English

André Courrèges Quant's competitor in Paris, André Courrèges, used similar geometric A-line shapes, but produced a more sophisticated, structured style. Having been apprenticed to the couturier Balenciaga, he became a master of cut and ...

who called from an unknown number?